Archive for January 27th, 2012

People to people – photos and treatment

I was able to get my dad to send me some photos of my Granddad and as I’m typing this some photos are still being sent through to me. Unfortunately my dad wasn’t able to do an audio file for me because he has been very busy with work (hence why he is sending me photos at midnight). I will pester him over the weekend and hopefully I’ll get an audio recording by Monday.

The photo above is my Granddad (who is on the far right) with two friends in London.

My Granddad and Grandmother

My Granddad and Grandmother


My three minute factual short is all based on my Granddad. He died some years ago but fortunately he told his stories to my dad. My dad would first say who my Granddad was, his name, date of birth and place of birth. Then he would talk about what year my Granddad was taken away to join the German army and what the Germans would have done to him and his family if he didn’t go. My dad would then go on to talk about the day that my Granddad and his friends were going to run away from the German army but a grenade was throw at them when they were having a final meeting about the run-away plan. My dad would explain what my Granddad had to go through after that experience and his recovery time in Hospital. After his time in hospital he was sent to Scotland and finally moved to London. My dad will then go into the sort of things my Granddad did in London which helped people back in Ukraine (I can’t go into this in much detail because my dad doesn’t want it to be published on my public blog at the moment). Once I talk to my dad again about what I can and can’t publish online I will edit this blog post.

My Poetic Eyes

I have made a short sequence of archive photos into a short 1 min clip to just give you more visuals and to help you understand the horror that when on in 1932 – 33.